Ukrainian refugees
Target group: Ukrainian students and graduates (within one year after graduation), who fled Ukraine due to the Russian attacks
Grant: 3300€ for 3 months and access to an online language course in German
Traineeship institutions: in Saxony-Anhalt, shall suit the degree/subject and career aspirations, but generally open (e.g. companies, universities, research institutes, public facilities, schools, …)
The Erasmus Traineeship Office provides Erasmus grants, but does not provide placements or accommodation and organise the visa process.
Application for the grant (after having found a traineeship)
Please only use the following documents for your application and send them by email to
- Application form (Student or Graduate)
- CV
- Proof of studies in Ukraine: certificate of enrolment or graduation certificate or Transcript of Records or confirmation issued by the home university or Ukrainian authorities.
- Learning Agreement
- just in case the sending Ukrainian university is not in function (mostly Eastern Ukraine): Learning Agreement without sending institution
Minimum wage: For long-term internship > 3 months, hosting institutions in Germany must pay their trainees minimum wages.
Further information: Angela Wittkamp
Experience reports from Ukrainian students, who carried out an internship in Saxony-Anhalt:
- Internship at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences I Information Technology I Future Internet Lab Anhalt
- Internship at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg I Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity
- Internship at Dexor GmbH I Information Systems and technologies
- Internship at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences I Information Technology I Future Internet Lab Anhalt