Full Application

If you have found an internship and would like to apply for financial support, please send the documents below to  at least one month before the start of the internship (each document attached individually, not all merged). Always use Adobe Acrobat Reader to edit the documents, more information here. If we receive your application later, you will receive funding starting at reception date of your application  + one month,
i.e.: start of traineeship: 12.7., receipt of application (all documents apart from Learning Agreement) 1.7.; grant as of 1.8.

  1. Application form
  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. Certificate of enrolment
  4. Details of previous Erasmus funding
  5. Learning Agreement (can be submitted later)
  6. Learning Objectives
  7. Degree certificate (can be submitted later; in this case, informal confirmation from the examination office in advance, e.g. by e-mail, that all examinations necessary to complete the degree have been successfully passed)
  8. Additional funding Inclusion  (also submit if not applicable -> waiver)
  9. Additional funding Green Travel  (also submit if not applicable -> waiver)

We usually process your documents within two weeks. Therefore, please enquire about the status of your documents after two weeks at the earliest.

! Visa: please inform yourself about any visa requirements as early as possible. Visa procedures might take much longer than Erasmus grant processing.

Additional Funding

The following target groups can now receive a flat-rate top-up (top-up amount) of €250 per month in addition to the normal scholarship: participants with disabilities or chronic illnesses, participants with children, participants from non-academic families, employed participants. You can find more information here.

Learning Objectives

Please describe to us informally in half a page to one page what goals you have for your internship.

You can use the following questions as a guide:

  • What learning goals are you pursuing in the internship?
  • What new skills would you like to acquire in relation to your professional plans and goals?
  • To what extent are the selected target country and the selected internship institution particularly suitable for this?

Grant Agreement

If your internship can be funded, then you will receive an email from us with the Grant Agreement in English and German. The English translation is for you to keep. Please sign the German version and return it to us. The Grant Agreement must be submitted in paper form (original signature) BEFORE the start of the internship. We then will transfer the first instalment of your grant (90% of the grant).

For your information: Translation of the „Stipendienvereinbarung“.

Last Modification: 01.08.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster