As ERASMUS funding, our trainees receive a grant as lump sum (covering additional costs of living). Moreover, the internship host organisation might support you with an additional internship salary. The ERASMUS grant does not depend on how you found your host organisation. You may well choose a host organisation not related to the Office for Erasmus Traineeships Saxony-Anhalt and still receive the grant. How you find your internship relies on you and does not affect the Erasmus-grant.
Grant Rates
The Erasmus grant is calculated in days. Each month comprises 30 days - no matter the exact number of days. Daily rates vary and depend on the country group your target country belongs to.
Country group 1: Austria,Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden
Country group 2: Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Czechia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey
Grant Rates: | ||
Country Group 1 | 25€ / Day | 750,00€ / Month |
Country Group 2 | 23€ / Day | 690,00€ / Month |
Worldwide: 700€ / Month (Switzerland, UK: 750€ / Month)
No Funding
-Target countries with travel warning
-Traineeships in home countries of third countries nationals
- 2 internships in the same host organisation with a duration exceeding the maximum duration of 6 months per internship
Reduced Funding
Erasmus grant rates have risen enormously over the past years. At the same time, we have received more money by the EU, but not a sufficient amount to be able to fund all applicants for a traineeship in a program country - like in the past. In order to be able to fund as many participants as possible, we introduced the so-called zero grant. That means that you won´t receive financial funding for part of your Erasmus traineeship (zero grant). This means:
Reduced duration of funding
- Deduction of 15 days of funding for all interships - with an obligatory minimum funding of at least 60 days.
Examples: 180 days - 15 days = 165 days funding; 65 days - 5 days = 60 days funding)
- Funding duration of 6 Months maximum PER internship (i.e. 192 days - 12 days = 180 days - 15 days = 165 days funding). You can still carry out several traineeships in different institutions up to a total funding of 360 days (incl. zero grant) per study cycle.
- Traineeships with salaries > 1000€ (according to Learning Agreement): maximum of funding: 2 months, rest zero grant.
Attention: These rules are valid for our current project and may change annually.
Multiple Erasmus+ funding
You can get an Erasmus+ grant for up to 12 months in each study cycle (Bachelor, Master, PhD), i.e. 36 months in total for the whole study period. Various combinations of an internship during and after your studies as well as study periods abroad are possible.
1) 6 months Erasmus+ study abroad, 3 months Erasmus+ internship abroad during studies and 3 months Erasmus+ internship abroad after your studies.
2) 4 months Erasmus+ internship abroad during studies, 6 months Erasmus+ internship abroad during studies and 2 months Erasmus+ internship after your graduation.
Selection process
For the last 20 years the Office for Erasmus Traineeships Saxony-Anhalt has always been able to support all internships in the European program countries (not worldwide!), that met the formal requirements of the Erasmus-program. Just in case the demand for Erasmus grants should increase significantly all of a sudden, there could be shortages in the future.
Further financing options
Remuneration from the host organisation:
Many internship providers pay their interns a remuneration or provide other benefits such as a monthly ticket for a local transport, an accommodation or meals free of charge.
Trainees with fewer opportunities (with child(ren), with disability, with chronic illness causing additional costs, with non-academic family background, employed trainee) can apply for a top-up of 250€ per month (lump sum) in addition to the normal grant. Please find further information under inclusion.
Further grants:
It is not allowed to receive two EU grants for the same internship period, i.e. no double funding is possible. Further additional scholarships do not pose a problem for the Erasmus+ grant. Information concerning scholarships for a stay abroad can be found in the DAAD scholarship database.